accessibility π
advent of code π
algorithms π
- anki spaced repetition
- Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah
- bloom filters
- Chaikin's corner-cutting algorithm
- CVM Count
- diff algorithms
- Handles are the Better Pointers
- Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds
- HyperLogLog
- javascript-algorithms
- jump flood algorithm
- Kalman filter
- line breaking
- Path Counting for Grid-based navigation
- pdqsort
space filling curves π
- text editing
- Trueskill
assembly π
C π
- -fPIC
- a lock-free concurrent queue in 32 bits
- array_alg.h
- beej's guide to C programming
- building a program to process file trees
- C package manager
- C
- cuneicode
- driving C and C++ compilers
- ffmpeg - compiling an example file
- ffmpeg tutorial
freetype π
- good C code
- hash tables
- hot reloading in C
- Let's build a simple database
- olive.c
- Sokol
- stretchy buffers
- string libraries
- Structures in C - from basics to memory alignment
- tree with multiple types
compilers π
computer architecture π
computer art π
computing history π
concurrency π
Continuous Integration π
cookbook documentation π
credentials π
design systems π
distributed systems π
ecommerce π
esolangs π
file watching π
game programming π
golang π
- A guide to writing slog handlers
auth π
- Ben Johnson's preferred layout
- compile-time template requires
database libraries π
- download a large file, show a progress bar, and handle ctrl-c
- errtrace
- exploring function parameter types with Go tooling
- ferret - declarative web scraping
- go plugins with webassembly
- go recipes
- go-internal
- go-tool-cache
- Go
- goja - javascript interpreter in go
- golang
- google style guide
- govulncheck
- how golang templates protect against XSS
- ko
- lo
- MacDriver
- objx
- Operator constraints in Go
- Peter Bourgon on organizing concurrent go
- purego
- quickjs
- River Queue
- RPC-based plugins in Go
- rust regex bindings
secrets π
- standard library levelled logging proposal
- suture - supervisor trees for go
- Use xsync.MapOf instead of sync.Map
- using go run instead of tools.go
- wails
web π
- bud - full stack web apps
- downsides of wrapping ResponseWriter
- dynamic json
- go and sqlite in the cloud
- go-zero
- HTTP library
- json-to-go
- Marshmallow - JSON parsing for unknown fields
- microservices in go with grpc, API gateway, and auth
- ogen - code generation for OpenAPI specs
- oxy middleware
- Pagoda - full stack web apps
- plush templating language
- quicktemplate
- routegroup
- templ
- XML struct generator
- zerolog
- zeropool
graphics programming π
- BabylonJS
- circle packing
- ClayGL
- coding curves
- cosmic
- ebiten
- game boy studio
- gpu-io
- jpeg as signal processing
- p5.js
- Path Tracing Workshop
- pixi.js
playgrounds π
- Raph Levien's resources for learning compute shaders
- raylib
- Signed distance functions in 46 lines of Python
- swissgl
- threejs journey class
- ThreeJS
- TwoJS
- WaveFunctionCollapse algorithm
- WebGL
- webgpu fundamentals
- WebGPU
graphql π
hashing π
javascript π
- blocked-at
- blocked
- download esm packages
- esbuild
- Generate puppeteer tests
- liveblocks
- Making a single-file executable with node and esbuild
- marko
- mhkeller-plot
- moveable - draggable, resizable, scalable...
- observable
- pagefind
performance π
- plane - per user backends
- prism syntax highlighter
- Reach (design system foundation)
search π
- server-sent events
- small javascript engines
- The Weirdly Obscure Art of Streamed HTML
- verdaccio - local private NPM repository
web components π
- Writing a TodoMVC app with vanilla js in 2022
- zod schema validator
latex π
legal π
logging π
neural networks π
observability π
ops π
performance measurement π
- caddy vs nginx
- Faster Go code by being mindful of memory
- Faster zlib compression on Apple M1
- fio
- How NOT to measure latency
- Improving performance in the game of life
- intro to dataflow graphs
- loom concurrent program testing
- napkin math
- optimizing javascript performance
- psrecord
- Speed Limits
- speeding up javascript one library at a time
- speedlify
- speedscope
- uarch-bench
physics π
property based testing π
python π
- building pyarrow
- calling shell programs
- hypothesis
- iommi django power tools
- jupyter+git
- jupyter
- keyring
- logging
- making pyright happy with package imports
markdown π
- pattern matching
- pex - python executables
- pipenv
- playwright
- PracticeProbs
- pyproject.toml
- pyright use virtualenv
- pyright
- python
- Ruff - linter written in rust
- strftime.org
- supervision
- ugrapheme
- using sqlite from python
- Writing a Python SQL engine from scratch
rails π
rpc libraries π
slack π
task runner π
template CLIs π
text editors π
text shaping π
tidbyt π
weather api π
web scraping π
webauthn π
website analytics π