getting runtime version

Oct 20, 2023

To get the git version number embedded in a go binary, use this function:

func GetRuntimeVersion() string {
	if bi, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo(); !ok {
		fmt.Println("Unable to get build info")
	} else {
		for i := range bi.Settings {
			if bi.Settings[i].Key == "vcs.revision" {
				return bi.Settings[i].Value
	return ""

There are other useful values in there too. The full list from a random build right now:

&debug.BuildInfo{ GoVersion:"go1.18", Path:"", Main:debug.Module{Path:"", Version:"(devel)", Sum:"", } -compiler: gc CGO_ENABLED: 1 CGO_CFLAGS: CGO_CPPFLAGS: CGO_CXXFLAGS: CGO_LDFLAGS: GOARCH: arm64 GOOS: darwin vcs: git vcs.revision: 76abcbf15157346bdb1c341724da212d6694ee56 vcs.time: 2022-07-05T21:34:22Z vcs.modified: true
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