last updated: Oct 20, 2023
Simple STB-style cross-platform libraries for C and C++, written in C.
STB-style means header-only library, I guess
Core libraries
- sokol_gfx.h: 3D-API wrapper (GL + Metal + D3D11)
- sokol_app.h: app framework wrapper (entry + window + 3D-context + input)
- sokol_time.h: time measurement
- sokol_audio.h: minimal buffer-streaming audio playback
- sokol_fetch.h: asynchronous data streaming from HTTP and local filesystem
- sokol_args.h: unified cmdline/URL arg parser for web and native apps
Utility libraries
- sokol_imgui.h: sokol_gfx.h rendering backend for Dear ImGui
- sokol_nuklear.h: sokol_gfx.h rendering backend for Nuklear
- sokol_gl.h: OpenGL 1.x style immediate-mode rendering API on top of sokol_gfx.h
- sokol_fontstash.h: sokol_gl.h rendering backend for fontstash
- sokol_gfx_imgui.h: debug-inspection UI for sokol_gfx.h (implemented with Dear ImGui)
- sokol_debugtext.h: a simple text renderer using vintage home computer fonts
- sokol_memtrack.h: easily track memory allocations in sokol headers
- sokol_shape.h: generate simple shapes and plug them into sokol-gfx resource creation structs
- sokol_color.h: X11 style color constants and functions for creating sg_color objects
Found it via this very neat-looking mini golf game, written in C and utilizing several high leverage libraries such as this:
introductory blog post: