ACM Computing Surveys

last updated: Jul 12, 2024

A journal full of survey articles of a large variety of computer science fields. via a pair of toots:

I wish we as a field could develop a taste for SoK (Systemization of Knowledge) papers. especially with how volatile notation and terminology is, that chasing through a line of old papers can get time consuming real quick.

In case you don't already follow it, ACM's CSUR journal is all surveys and SoKs and they're often quite good: is a reasonably-ok way to browse the volumes. Here's a representative example from PL:

(Unfortunately CSUR mixes all fields of CS together so you often have to wade through a lot of irrelevant stuff, I wish someone built a better thematic index!)

I still imagine a site that is a wiki with strong editors that has surveys available for a wide variety of fields, but this is a nice something for there to be at least.

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