- A guide to writing slog handlers
auth 🔗
- Ben Johnson's preferred layout
- compile-time template requires
- conc - better structured concurrency for go
database libraries 🔗
- download a large file, show a progress bar, and handle ctrl-c
- errtrace
- exploring function parameter types with Go tooling
- ferret - declarative web scraping
- flowmatic
- go plugins with webassembly
- go recipes
- go-internal
- go-tool-cache
- Go
- goja - javascript interpreter in go
- golang
- google style guide
- govulncheck
- how golang templates protect against XSS
- ko
- lo
- MacDriver
- objx
- oklog-run
- Operator constraints in Go
- Peter Bourgon on organizing concurrent go
- purego
- quickjs
- River Queue
- RPC-based plugins in Go
- rust regex bindings
secrets 🔗
- standard library levelled logging proposal
- suture - supervisor trees for go
- Use xsync.MapOf instead of sync.Map
- using go run instead of tools.go
- wails
web 🔗
- bud - full stack web apps
- downsides of wrapping ResponseWriter
- dynamic json
- go and sqlite in the cloud
- go-zero
- HTTP library
- json-to-go
- Marshmallow - JSON parsing for unknown fields
- microservices in go with grpc, API gateway, and auth
- ogen - code generation for OpenAPI specs
- oxy middleware
- Pagoda - full stack web apps
- plush templating language
- quicktemplate
- routegroup
- templ
- XML struct generator
- zerolog
- zeropool