
last updated: Oct 20, 2023


A HTML templating language for Go that has great developer tooling.

You run a template generator as a pre-processor on your templates, and it turns them intoa go code.

The demo template looks like:

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

templ headerTemplate(name string) {
	<header data-testid="headerTemplate">
		<h1>{ name }</h1>

templ footerTemplate() {
	<footer data-testid="footerTemplate">
		<div>&copy; { fmt.Sprintf("%d", time.Now().Year()) }</div>

templ navTemplate() {
	<nav data-testid="navTemplate">
			<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
			<li><a href="/posts">Posts</a></li>

templ layout(name string, content templ.Component) {
		<head><title>{ name }</title></head>
			{! headerTemplate(name) }
			{! navTemplate() }
				{! content }
		{! footerTemplate() }

templ homeTemplate() {
	<div data-testid="homeTemplate">Welcome to my website.</div>

templ postsTemplate(posts []Post) {
	<div data-testid="postsTemplate">
		for _, p := range posts {
			<div data-testid="postsTemplatePost">
				<div data-testid="postsTemplatePostName">{ p.Name }</div>
				<div data-testid="postsTemplatePostAuthor">{ p.Author }</div>

templ home() {
	{! layout("Home", homeTemplate()) }

templ posts(posts []Post) {
	{! layout("Posts", postsTemplate(posts)) }
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