Recently Created
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Recently Updated
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- Oct 18, 2024 computer_usage/browsers/installing extensions in ungoogled-chromium
- Sep 22, 2024 link_blog/2024/09/sanding
All Notes
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AI 🔗
book notes 🔗
Against Method - Feyeraband 🔗
- The greatest books of all time
The Shader book 🔗
Understanding Software Dynamics 🔗
computer usage 🔗
activitypub 🔗
age encryption 🔗
anbernic 🔗
app color schemes 🔗
atuin 🔗
audio recording 🔗
cli tips and tools 🔗
desktop web apps 🔗
file syncing 🔗
firefox 🔗
git 🔗
google cloud 🔗
homebrew 🔗
image commands 🔗
iphone 🔗
keyboard mapping 🔗
mac os 🔗
- apple-platform-rs
- browser start per-site
- change user account name
- debugging os x
- duti - command to set default applications
- finder keyboard shortcuts
- fix hades menu bar issue
- ice
- keychain command line access
- mac os command line programs
- openwith
- prefsniff
- set computer time from the command line
- view contents of packages
- wake from sleep to run a cron job
maps 🔗
mastodon 🔗
music 🔗
parallel task executors 🔗
photo editors 🔗
safari 🔗
- source code images for tweeting
tailscale 🔗
terminal multiplexers 🔗
text search engines 🔗
vim 🔗
- asdf csharp + csharp-ls lsp
- base2tone
- codecompanion
- custom sonokai palette
- everforest
- Formatting plugin
- give tsv better columns
- golangci-lint
- hex.vim
- ipython from vim
- lazyvim
- LSP in neovim 0.8.0
- mini.colors
- neotest
- neovim scripting notes
- neovim
- nvim-dbee
- nvim-starter
- obsidian.vim
- open files in a split
- otter.nvim
- restart neovim lsp
- Ruby
- sort text file by first column
- virtualedit
virtualization 🔗
cooking 🔗
data analytics 🔗
databases 🔗
- appwrite
- BadgerDB
- CockroachDB
- DragonflyDB
- FoundationDB
- Hasura
- migration tools
postgres 🔗
- age - graph database extension
- building a sample distributed postgres
- Citus
- Create an advanced search engine with PostgreSQL
- Easy postgresql time bins
- FerretDB - MongoDB alternative built on postgres
- how postgres stores data on disk
- is your database ready for production?
- Pagila sample database
- Pg_bm25
- pg_cron
- pg_graphql
- Postgis
- Postgraphile
- Postgres full text search
- Postgres internals
- postgres introspection
- Postgres language server
- Postgres plan optimizer
- Postgres safe DDL changes
- postgres wasm
- Postgres
- PostgreSQL 14 Internals
- postgresql get-or-create
- Postgrest
- postlite (sqlite access via postgres wire protocol)
- Promscale - tracing data in postgres
- pyrseas (postgres schema utilities)
- Query Plan Visualization
- schema changes in pg 15
- sequin - open source kafka-ish based on postgres
- storing secrets
- supavisor
- PRql
- Redis
- Rill Developer
- roapi
- Rxdb
- sqlfluff
sqlite 🔗
- build wasm sqlite with an extension embedded
- building a sqlite extension in rust
- building sqlite wasm
- Datasette
- go-sqlite3-stdlib
- google sheet extension
- hc-tree
- how we sped up Notion with sqlite wasm
- Index Recommendations
- isqlite - improved ipython interface
- JSON and virtual columns in sqlite
- line-by-line filter extension
- litecli
- modern sqlite - generated columns
- Optimizing SQLite for servers
- redka
- rqlite
- spatialite javascript
- Spatialite
- sqlcipher
- SQLean (sqlite standard library)
- SQLite autocomplete
- sqlite extensions in go
- sqlite fiddle
- SQLite over Postgres wire protocol
- sqlite wasm docs
- sqlite-html
- sqlite
- sqlite3vfshttp
- SQLSync
- Statically hosted sqlite with range queries
- tuql
- user-defined functions
- vfs systems
- virtual tables with zig-sqlite
- Virtual Tables
- wa-sqlite
- Supabase
- Timeseries db for FoundationDB
- TinyBase
- Ultorg
vector databases 🔗
gis 🔗
data sources 🔗
- geogrid
Maine data 🔗
making satellite images 🔗
- mapshaper
- planetiler
- qgis
- segment-geospatial
- Serving a custom vector web map using PMTiles and maplibre-gl
- Terra Draw
- tg
- Using QGis to apply a 1777 style
images 🔗
- 265760997-a69be66f-8e27-43a0-8a4d-6cfe3b1d9335
- 2nd-2023_Bielfeldt_Ole_e30778_f21472
- 304520684-dd641a43-406f-434c-b915-1be3650ff08f
- 9dc8b33d-04b4-4f62-8041-675559c7f205_845x556
- an incremental approach to compiler construction
- aperiodic_recursive
- both
- C7F4CE49-2494-4B67-B67B-4B20D0D13C2E_1_105_c
- Change_DistillingTree_Differencing_for_Fine-Graine
- Cleveland and McGill 1985 - Graphical Perception and Graphical Methods for Analyzing Scientific Data
- combined
- earthfromv2
- edit-DP262479
- edit-DP262481-2
- final
- final
- Franke - Computer Graphics — Computer Art (1985)
- gounicode 1
- gounicode
- gumtree
- heartbeats_sheet_music
- Howtoskatea10k
- introtogdal
- netscape-meteors_huae8a0a30085130352d1b0206d5a3e841_36320_1280x1280_fit_box_1
- nix-installation-log
- overview
- palette
- Pasted image 20211229092853
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- perdido
- portland from ISS ISS069-E-53588
- pulsar_trio.jpg
- Screen Recording 2023-08-10 at 11.16.01 AM
- Screen Shot 2022-06-07 at 1.24.24 PM
- Screen Shot 2022-12-27 at 10.13.35
- Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 9.08.38 AM 1
- Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 9.08.38 AM
- Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 9.23.47 AM
- screenshot
- screenshot
- serenityosemoji
- test 1
- test 2
- test 3
- test 4
- test
- typenote
- tzmap
- unicode 1
- unicode
- virtual-memory-paging
- wow
- x400
incident response 🔗
link blog 🔗
2023 🔗
03 🔗
- Breaking Up with Heroku - moving to Kubernetes
- crawling every page and running lighthouse on it
- Crowdsourcing contested Nigerian elections
- drizzle ORM
- Enabling low-latency, syntax-aware editing using tree sitter
- How big should a programming language be?
- Infinite aperiodic monotile
- Janet for Mortals
- Malleable software in the age of LLMs
- Play - a free map editor from Placemark
- Something Pretty Right - The History and Legacy of Visual Basic
- what happened to Digg?
- Writing an Engineering Strategy
04 🔗
- a guide to prompt engineering
- A Number System Invented by Inuit Schoochildren
- annoy - approximate nearest neighbors oh yeah
- apenwarr on insight, engineering, and how an LLM might relate to them
- bitwise
- coping strategies for the serial project hoarder
- CoScreen
- Customizing an LLM on friends chat
- Determinants
- Good Enough File System
- GPT makes false sexual harrasment allegations
- Grid world
- here is my list of weird coding influences
- If AI scaling is to be shut down, let it be for a coherent reason
- Improving bug triage with user pain
- Langchain demo
- Mermaid Gantt charts for traces
- mmap is (mostly) not magic
- new doc site for observable plot
- safari releases are development hell
- Shar's Algorithm for Branchless Binary Search
- Supabase open sources edge functions server
- The History of the Joy Division visualization
- unicode text analyzer
- Why is sea level rise worse in some places?
- will AI obliterate the rule of law?
- writing a user-space USB driver for a 1999 webcam
05 🔗
- A Terminal Case of Linux
- ada URL parser
- add .ʕ◔ϖ◔ʔ as an alternate spelling of .go in file names
- canvas-sketch
- enforcing bounds safety in C
- How figma draws inspiration from the gaming world
- I want to talk about WebGPU
- More Ted Chiang on LLMs
- pytrees
- Red Canary Mac Monitor
- sqlite has json5 support
- the Aaronson Oracle
- Using computers more freely and safely
- warms
06 🔗
- Apple Maps vs Google Maps
- bubblewrap
- How I Build a Large Technical Project
- How to build an air quality map quickly
- I hate almost all software
- in which b0rk is wise
- Modern software quality, or why I think using language models for programming is a bad idea
- NVD Damage (continue)
- poop
- Rewriting the Ruby Parser
- Superpermutation
- tech debt maximalism
- The Merganthaler Diagrammer
- The rust I wanted had no future
- the two camps of mastodon
- We're all doing metrics wrong
07 🔗
- Announcing Clipper - TLS-transparent HTTP debugging for native apps
- Announcing Jupyter Notebook 7
- Banished to a Remote Idaho Valley, Beavers Created a Lush Wetland
- bilithification
- Catastrophic Failure
- Demystifying Tupper's formula
- Early computer art of the 50s and 60s
- GCC 14 draws memory diagrams on failure
- NASA eyes
- Reaction-diffusion playground
- Shakespeare Serif - an experimental font based on the First Folio
- The controller pattern is awful
- The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) protocol
- Understanding WASM
- Unfancy Blocks
- Ungrammar in Go and resilient parsing
- unicode is harder than you think
- Unsafe Rust vs Zig
- Why Match School And Student Rank?
08 🔗
- A friendly abstraction over io_uring and kqueue
- Andreas Kling on the cost of patterns
- Astro content islands
- C and C++ Prioritize Performance over Correctness
- ESM modernization lessons
- Game of Life in APL
- gonew - go language template app from the core team
- Hofstadter on LLMs
- How they bypass YouTube video download throttling
- micro
- Netscape meteors
- No One Actually Wants Simplicity
- Open charter companies and relicensing
- Paste without style on the mac
- Putting the "you" in CPU
- Rewriting wipEout
- RFC 3339 vs ISO 8601
- Search text on historical maps
- So You Want to Learn Physics...
- Special use domains
- The OpenTF manifesto
- The TTY demystified
- Thoughts about what worked in math circles
- TypeScript is surprisingly OK for compilers
- Why htmx Does Not Have a Build Step
- Why Kundera never went home
- wtf-8
- Youtube2Webpage
09 🔗
- A year's OSM tile traffic
- boats' wakes have the same shape no matter their speed
- CORS debugging trick
- Develop with cocoa for apple devices without using Objective-C
- emoj
- Everything I wish I knew before moving 50,000 lines of code to React Server Components
- Exploring Linux command-line space time
- GitHub Actions could be so much better
- Horizontal and Vertical Complexity
- I built Excel for Uber and they Ditched it
- Introduction to CORS for go programmers
- Invariants - A Better Debugger
- jq is alive again
- Mask
- Most UI Applications are Broken Real-time Applications
- No Ghosts!
- skip the API
- Understanding WASM Part 3 - you are here
- Wavacity
- When the Sea Saved Humanity
- Why didn't we get a malaria vaccine sooner
10 🔗
- EBCDIC is incompatible with GDPR
- Embeddings - what they are and why they matter
- Error Budgets and the Legacy of Herbert Heinrich
- Fragile
- How we're opening up access to forms
- It’s Not Wrong that "🤦🏼♂️".length == 7
- lonboard
- Matchstick igniting
- Meta in Myanmar, Part III - The Inside View
- modern unix tools
- My personal C coding style as of late 2023
- Nakatomi Space
- No one actually wants simplicity
- paclear
- python 3.12 adds `itertools.batched`
- Stein's Law
- The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023
- The Great Ptolemaic Smackdown
- The nuances of base64 encoding strings in JavaScript
- The Rhetoric of Condemnation
- Unless Explicitly Specified Otherwise, Open Source Software With Users Carries Moral Obligations
- Why async Rust
11 🔗
- 1001 albums generator
- antirez' tiny JSON selector library
- automerge-repo
- Bathymetry of the Atlantic
- cursorless is alien magic
- Designing a Programming Language to Speedrun Advent of Code
- Early experiments with X-rays
- How Humans see data
- jq by example
- KDL - a config language
- Life-critical side projects
- Numbat - a programming language with physical unit types
- Open Source loading components
- Playful Programming
- rustlings
- Was this October really warmer than most Octobers
- You want my password or a dead patient?
12 🔗
- Code is not technical debt
- Database Fundamentals
- Four pitfalls of spatiotemporal data analysis and how to avoid them
- I made JSX for Lua (because I hate static sites)
- Let's learn how modern javascript frameworks work by building one
- Luxury of Simplicity
- MastoFeed
- Schneier on AI
- standard ebooks
- TimeViz Browser
- Watch electricity hit a fork in the road at half a billion frames per second
- What We Need Instead of “Web Components”
2024 🔗
01 🔗
- -37F Winter in Yellowstone National Park
- Building a baseline JIT for Lua automatically
- durdraw
- grex
- htmx is composable??
- LLMs and Programming in the first days of 2024
- mac shortcut to OCR text
- Macaroons escalated quickly
- marimo - reactive notebook for python
- My grandpa was a nazi
- naming command line arguments
- resiliency is not efficient
- SIMD in pure python
- The duty to document
- Towards modern development of cloud systems
- Using zig to commit toolchains to VCS
- What we got right, what we got wrong (Rob Pike)
- work is work
- Writing a TrueType font renderer
02 🔗
- A bipartisan solution to gerrymandering
- EffVer
- How I write HTTP services in Go after 13 years
- How to make self-hosted maps that work everywhere and cost next to nothing
- In defense of simple architectures
- Is Something Bugging You
- Learn CSS the Pedantic way
- Maybe everything is a coroutine
- Observable Framework
- Paying people to work on open source is good actually
- Pike on dependencies, Knuth on software
- Scott Chacon on git commit messages
03 🔗
- ActivityPub server in a single PHP file
- Backpressure explained - the flow of data through software
- Beyond efficiency
- BIMI and well-known avatar
- Building an LSP from scratch
- Cooking With DuckDB
- Downpour
- duckdb as the new jq
- Earth at a cute angle
- eBPF documentary
- Eloquent JavaScript
- event.preventDefault()
- Everything I know about the xz backdoor
- Fixing a bug in pypy's incremental gc
- How ReadMe migrated from Heroku to Render with 90 seconds of downtime
- How web 2.0 killed the internet
- molten.nvim
- Monte-Carlo Graph Search from First Principles
- On Tech Debt - my rust library is now a CDO
- Optimizing the particle life - from 400 to 4 million particles
- Pallene
- Performance engineering, profilers, and seeing the invisible
- Prints
- Redis renamed to redict
- require(esm) in node.js
- SerenityOS Emoji Font
- The Basics
- The first published photo of Earth from space
- The Hunt for the Missing Data Type
- The One Billion Row Challenge in Go
- view the dom in 3d
- What Liberal Arts Education is For
04 🔗
- AI leaderboards are no longer useful
- borgo
- Civil War (the movie) is a blunt object
- Coding adventure - rendering text
- Color Jitter - using randomness to augment categorical visualizations
- Cybernetics is the science of the polycrisis
- Debugging the doctor brain
- eclipse forecast dashboard
- Exploring Indra's Pearls
- f8 and be there
- Fuck Nuance
- Here I am
- How we built jsr
- In Praise of Blindspots
- patterns
- Recreating Historical Dataviz
- The Onion Futures Act
- tree-shaking
- Try it and See
- What does a confidence interval mean?
05 🔗
- A distributed systems reading list
- Coding my handwriting
- Exploring the c4 compiler
- externalities scale superlinearly
- Feeds are not fit for gardening
- Feynman’s garden
- freetiler
- How to be obscene
- Queueing
- Stripe's monorepo developer environment
- unicode table
- Terminal text effects
- The Web's Grain
- Two-phase render
- What factors explain the nature of software?
06 🔗
- AI is what a human can do, and a computer can't
- Applite
- BoVeX
- Classical Light - Ancient Greece to Maxwell
- don't delegate decisions to LLMs
- Electoral reform is possible
- gaby
- HTMD - convert HTML to Markdown
- huddling together on software stacks
- I've stopped using box plots and so should you
- jgs ascii art font
- Kunstformen der Natur
- libtree
- Not just scale
- The unreasonable effectiveness of chaotic knowledge acquisition
- Thoughts on my first machine learning project
- Towards post-modern programming
- zendo
07 🔗
- A map of the world as segmented by tzdata
- A write-ahead log is not a universal part of durability
- Automated test-case reduction
- Beating the compiler
- BusyBeaver(5) is 47,176,870
- Finding simple rewrite rules for the JIT with z3
- German Strings
- Hash-Based Bisect Debugging in Compilers and Runtimes
- How fast is javascript? Simulating 20,000,000 particles
- How malloc broke Serenity's JPGLoader
- How many days out is the temperature forecast accurate?
- In praise of fc
- Input fonts
- Locally patching dependencies in Go
- Migrating from express to fastify
- pico
- Reverse engineering a day's worth of websites
- Reverse engineering ticketmaster's rotating barcodes
- Rob Pike - Array Languages are Important
- Searching an aerial photo with text queries
- State of Text Rendering 2024
- The Natural Number Game
- The New Internet
- The word "bug" doesn't come from Harvard
- UUIDv7 in 33 languages
- We need visual programming. No, not like that.
- Why do remote meetings suck
- wllama
08 🔗
- 7 things I've learned building a modern TUI framework
- AutoAlbers
- China as a model
- Continuous reinvention - a brief history of block storage at AWS
- CRDTs go brrrr
- Fixing the game
- go-geojson-show
- How I program in 2024
- Language Server Protocol from Debug Symbols
- LossRider
- mlx-whisper
- Parochialism in time and space
- Parsing Protobuf at 2GBs
- Pipe Syntax in SQL
- Tensort
- Text fragment links
- The secret in one million checkboxes
- The vindication of bubble sort
09 🔗
- 1 ÷ 0 = 0
- against react
- Children of the Magenta
- DOM-aware physics
- Five essential questions to ask about systems
- Kill your dependencies
- LSP - the good, the bad and the ugly
- Possibly all the ways to get loop-finding in graphs wrong
- Put the work where the data is
- Sanding
- Storage is a microservice
- Substrate Engineering
- The History of Web Performance
11 🔗
- A golden ratio for line charts with truncated y-axis
- A Practitioner's Guide to Wide Events
- Against the Dark Forest
- bit-twiddling hacks
- Building a code-writing robot and keeping it happy
- Color Experiments with OKLCH
- Complex for Whom?
- Institutional memory and reverse smuggling
- Link to Text Fragment browser extension
- Oblique view of the Sagrada Familia
- On Typesetting Engines
- Playground Wisdom - Threads Beat Async Await
- Sequin - debug ANSI escapes
- Way too many ways to wait on a child process with a timeout
2025 🔗
01 🔗
- Arroost - unblocking creation with friends
- Build it Yourself
- Can We Retain the Benefits of Transitive Dependencies Without Undermining Security?
- Cartes, a free European alternative to Google Maps
- Download OSM data from overture maps
- Good, Fast, Cheap - pick 3 or none
- How I AI
- How I program with LLMs
- How to create a UK bivariate map
- Island Peakscapes
- Literate Flatbush
- Mercator Extreme
- on pie charts
- sapf - sound as pure form
- Some programming language ideas
- The communal plot
- The curious case of Quentell
- Tom MacWright's 2025 predictions
- Viewing images
- Writing a simple pool allocator in C
modeling 🔗
music 🔗
- Afropop Worldwide
- bespoke synth
- boiler room
- Brazilab
music blog 🔗
2024 🔗
01 🔗
- Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni Ba
- Béla Fleck - Rhapsody in Blue
- Cannonball Adderley sextet
- CCR - effigy
- Geese - live on KEXP
- James Brown - Honky Tonk
- JID - 30 (freestyle)
- Mystery Train
- Poly-Ritmo on My Analog Journal
- Ray Charles - losing hand
- Sad Hours - Little Walter
- Sissoko, Segal, Parisien & Peirani
- The Smile - Wall of Eyes
07 🔗
- Autechre - Tri Repetae
- Bettye LaVette - I've got my own hell to raise
- Charles Lloyd - The sky will still be there tomorrow
- Chris Thile - Bach Sonatas and Partitas
- Derek Gripper and Ballaké Sissoko
- Dr. Dog - Fate
- Lankum - Live in Dublin
- Passage du Desir - Johnny Blue Skies
- Schoenberg - three piano pieces
2025 🔗
synths 🔗
- Tiny Desk concerts
- youtube concerts
photography 🔗
communities 🔗
- film labs
- rawpower
- scanning services
politics 🔗
programming 🔗
academic publishing 🔗
accessibility 🔗
advent of code 🔗
algorithms 🔗
- anki spaced repetition
- Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah
- bloom filters
- Chaikin's corner-cutting algorithm
- CVM Count
- diff algorithms
- Handles are the Better Pointers
- Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds
- HyperLogLog
- javascript-algorithms
- jump flood algorithm
- Kalman filter
- line breaking
- Path Counting for Grid-based navigation
- pdqsort
space filling curves 🔗
- text editing
- Trueskill
assembly 🔗
C 🔗
- -fPIC
- a lock-free concurrent queue in 32 bits
- array_alg.h
- beej's guide to C programming
- building a program to process file trees
- C package manager
- C
- clay
- cuneicode
- driving C and C++ compilers
- ffmpeg - compiling an example file
- ffmpeg tutorial
freetype 🔗
- good C code
- hash tables
- hot reloading in C
- Let's build a simple database
- olive.c
- Sokol
- stretchy buffers
- string libraries
- Structures in C - from basics to memory alignment
- tree with multiple types
compilers 🔗
computer architecture 🔗
computer art 🔗
computing history 🔗
concurrency 🔗
Continuous Integration 🔗
cookbook documentation 🔗
credentials 🔗
design systems 🔗
distributed systems 🔗
ecommerce 🔗
esolangs 🔗
file watching 🔗
game programming 🔗
golang 🔗
- A guide to writing slog handlers
auth 🔗
- Ben Johnson's preferred layout
- compile-time template requires
database libraries 🔗
- download a large file, show a progress bar, and handle ctrl-c
- errtrace
- exploring function parameter types with Go tooling
- ferret - declarative web scraping
- go plugins with webassembly
- go recipes
- go-internal
- go-tool-cache
- Go
- goja - javascript interpreter in go
- golang
- google style guide
- govulncheck
- how golang templates protect against XSS
- ko
- lo
- MacDriver
- objx
- Operator constraints in Go
- Peter Bourgon on organizing concurrent go
- purego
- quickjs
- River Queue
- RPC-based plugins in Go
- rust regex bindings
secrets 🔗
- standard library levelled logging proposal
- suture - supervisor trees for go
- Use xsync.MapOf instead of sync.Map
- using go run instead of tools.go
- wails
web 🔗
- bud - full stack web apps
- downsides of wrapping ResponseWriter
- dynamic json
- go and sqlite in the cloud
- go-zero
- HTTP library
- json-to-go
- Marshmallow - JSON parsing for unknown fields
- microservices in go with grpc, API gateway, and auth
- ogen - code generation for OpenAPI specs
- oxy middleware
- Pagoda - full stack web apps
- plush templating language
- quicktemplate
- routegroup
- templ
- XML struct generator
- zerolog
- zeropool
graphics programming 🔗
- BabylonJS
- circle packing
- ClayGL
- coding curves
- cosmic
- ebiten
- game boy studio
- gpu-io
- jpeg as signal processing
- p5.js
- Path Tracing Workshop
- pixi.js
playgrounds 🔗
- Raph Levien's resources for learning compute shaders
- raylib
- Signed distance functions in 46 lines of Python
- swissgl
- threejs journey class
- ThreeJS
- TwoJS
- WaveFunctionCollapse algorithm
- WebGL
- webgpu fundamentals
- WebGPU
graphql 🔗
hashing 🔗
image generation 🔗
javascript 🔗
- blocked-at
- blocked
- download esm packages
- esbuild
- Generate puppeteer tests
- liveblocks
- Making a single-file executable with node and esbuild
- marko
- mhkeller-plot
- moveable - draggable, resizable, scalable...
- observable
- pagefind
performance 🔗
- plane - per user backends
- prism syntax highlighter
- Reach (design system foundation)
search 🔗
- server-sent events
- small javascript engines
- The Weirdly Obscure Art of Streamed HTML
- verdaccio - local private NPM repository
web components 🔗
- Writing a TodoMVC app with vanilla js in 2022
- zod schema validator
latex 🔗
legal 🔗
logging 🔗
network 🔗
neural networks 🔗
observability 🔗
ops 🔗
parsing 🔗
performance measurement 🔗
- caddy vs nginx
- Faster Go code by being mindful of memory
- Faster zlib compression on Apple M1
- fio
- How NOT to measure latency
- Improving performance in the game of life
- intro to dataflow graphs
- loom concurrent program testing
- napkin math
- optimizing javascript performance
- Optimizing Ruby's JSON
- psrecord
- Speed Limits
- speeding up javascript one library at a time
- speedlify
- speedscope
- uarch-bench
physics 🔗
property based testing 🔗
python 🔗
- building pyarrow
- calling shell programs
- hypothesis
- iommi django power tools
- jupyter+git
- jupyter
- keyring
- logging
- making pyright happy with package imports
markdown 🔗
- pattern matching
- pex - python executables
- pipenv
- playwright
- PracticeProbs
- pyproject.toml
- pyright use virtualenv
- pyright
- python
- Ruff - linter written in rust
- supervision
- ugrapheme
- using sqlite from python
- Writing a Python SQL engine from scratch
rails 🔗
rpc libraries 🔗
slack 🔗
task runner 🔗
template CLIs 🔗
text editors 🔗
text shaping 🔗
tidbyt 🔗
weather api 🔗
web scraping 🔗
webauthn 🔗
website analytics 🔗
ukraine 🔗
visualization 🔗
- All Of Us census map
colors 🔗
- base16 gallery
- color and contrast dot com
- Color Models
- color schemes
- colors.js
- dicopal - a collection of color schemes
- friendly color palette generator
- how to pick the least wrong colors
- MetBrewer
- OKLCH color picker
- pattern fills
- Primer Prism - github tool for color choice
- reasonable colors
- Scientific colour maps
- spectral
- the 12-bit rainbow palette
- color palettes
- everynoise
- Franke's computer graphics
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization
- Grid Cartograms
- Iconographic Encyclopedia
interactive explainers 🔗
- airfoil
- An Interactive Intro to CRDTs
- An interactive review of Oklab
- bicycle
- Bloom filter explainers
- CSS Grid Areas
- grokking
- Hands-on X25519 Key Exchange
- Inside the Matrix
- Interactive explainer
- Interactive post on OKLCH color space
- mechanical watch
- memory allocation
- Mike Bostock's algorithms
- Moon
- Okay, color spaces
- Recreating the chonky menu
- sort, sweep and prune - collision detection algorithms
- SVG Paths Explained
- Visualizing Quaternions
- When Gradient Descent is a Kernel Method
- literature-map
- MarkovJunior
- People are bad at perceiving areas
- population change map
python libs 🔗
- sound
- Truchet tiles
- use CDFs not histograms
- visualize your program's structure
- Ways of seeing
weather 🔗