File watching

Oct 20, 2023

I usually use modd (with devd), but it's not maintained.

watchexec-cli looks like a good simple replacement for many of my use cases

Paul Smith wrote a simple bash reloader that wraps fswatch

entr is another

notify is a go command using the same library that modd depends on

watchfiles: Simple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload in python.

reflex is a go file watcher that looks pretty good, supports config files

ochinchina/supervisord is a reimplementation of python supervisord in go. Includes the capability to restart the service when a file changes (restart_cmd_when_file_changed, though that's not its main focus)

gajus/turbowatch is a scriptable node file watcher built on top of watchman. "Turbowatch adds a layer of abstraction for orchestrating task execution in response to file changes (shell interface, graceful shutdown, output grouping, etc)."

mitranim/gow "Go Watch: missing watch mode for the go command. It's invoked exactly like go, but also watches Go files and reruns on changes."

wtetsu/gaze is a file watcher that is optimized around running files immediately after you save them; by default it tries to guess how to run the file.

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