
last updated: Feb 03, 2024
Using [yt-dlp]( (install with `brew install`)
yt-dlp --download-archive downloaded.txt --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" ''

to download a video without audio in the best available format:

yt-dlp -f bestvideo

from the yt-dlp manual:

bv, bestvideo: Select the best quality video-only format. Equivalent to best*[acodec=none]

see the "format selection" section for more

To download auto-generated subs from youtube, add --write-auto-subs

yt-dlp -f bv --write-auto-subs -o schad.webm

That will download the subs as a vtt file, which can be burned into the video with something like:

ffmpeg -i schad.webm -vf subtitles=schad.en.vtt schad-subs.webm

see ffmpeg for more info

To save the playlist number as the track info in the song, use --parse-metadata "playlist_index:%(track_number)s". Here's an example that downloads a Ty Segall album from a playlist, converts them all to mp3, and inserts the playlist index as the track number:

yt-dlp \ --download-archive downloaded.txt \ --extract-audio \ --audio-format mp3 \ -o '%(playlist_autonumber)s.%(title)s.%(ext)s' \ --embed-metadata \ --parse-metadata "playlist_index:%(track_number)s" \ ''
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