NVD Damage (continue)

last updated: Oct 20, 2023

Daniel Stenberg (author of curl) argues that NVD, who issue CVSS vulnerability strings and scores, has no bearing in reality

The person or team at NVD whose job it is to make up stuff for security vulnerabilities ranked this as CRITICAL 9.8. Almost as bad as it gets apparently. 10 is the max as you might recall.

When realizing this, at the end of May, I first fell off my chair in shock by this insanity, but after a quick recovery I emailed them (again) and complained (yet again) on setting this severity for 27536. I used the word “ridiculous” in my email to describe their actions. Why and who benefits from them scaremongering the world like this? It makes no sense. On the contrary, this is bad for everyone.

...I think it is outrageous that I need to struggle and argue for such a big and renowned organization to do right. I can’t do this for every CVE we have reported because it takes serious time and energy, but at the same time I have zero expectation of them getting this right. I can only assume that they are equally lost and bad when assessing security problems in other projects as well.

A completely broken and worthless system. That people seem to actually use.

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