ada URL parser

last updated: Oct 20, 2023

WHATWG-compliant and fast URL parser written in modern C++

The interesting bit to me is that this repo contains a useful tool: adaparse, which is a command line program that accepts a URL and prints a json blob with the URL's components:

$ adaparse { "buffer":"", "protocol":"https:", "host":"", "path":"/ada-url/ada", "opaque path":false, "query":"?arg=bananas", "protocol_end":6, "username_end":8, "host_start":8, "host_end":18, "port":null, "pathname_start":18, "search_start":30, "hash_start":null }

I wish it split up the query parameters. It's used as a benchmark program, so I suppose it's less useful than trurl:

$ trurl --json { "url": "", "scheme": "https", "host": "", "port": "443", "path": "/ada-url/ada", "query": "arg=bananas", }

Or Carl Johnson's parse-url (which I had to modify to build on modern go)

$ echo '' | parse-url | jq . { "Scheme": "https", "Opaque": "", "User": null, "Host": "", "Path": "/ada-url/ada", "RawPath": "", "OmitHost": false, "ForceQuery": false, "RawQuery": "arg=bananas", "Fragment": "", "RawFragment": "" }
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