Pirate Weather

last updated: Oct 20, 2023


Weather forecasts are primarily determined using models run by government agencies, but the outputs aren't easy to use or in formats built for applications. To try to address this, I've put together a service (built on AWS Lambda) that reads public weather forecasts and serves it following the Dark Sky API style. It is not a reverse engineering of the API, since their implementation relies on radar forecasts for minutely results, as well as a few additional features. The API aims to return data using the same json structure as what Dark Sky uses, available here: https://web.archive.org/web/20200723173936/https://darksky.net/dev/docs. Feel free to register, subscribe to this API (navigate to APIs and click subscribe!), and let me know how it works at api@alexanderrey.ca. To help support this project (my student AWS credits run out in June!), I've set up a donation link. There's also an option for a monthly donations, which both supports this project and raises monthly API limit!

Open source, donation-ware weather API!

Used by Merry Sky

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