self-hosting atuin

last updated: Jan 10, 2024

The atuin docs for self-hosting are very skimpy

Here's how I self-hosted an atuin server:

  1. Make ~/srv/atuin
  2. Copy the docker-compose.yml file from here to ~/srv/atuin/docker-compose.yml
  3. Changes I made to that file:
    1. change the host port from 8888 to 12321 (the host port is the first number, so 12321:8888. I forget the order of these every single time)
    2. update the password from really-insecure to a random string
    3. change restart: always to restart: unless-stopped; this is the same except it allows you to stop it, which is probably what you want
  4. start the server: docker compose up -d
  5. Now you should have a running server! The next step is to create an account. From one client computer:
    1. edit ~/.config/atuin/config.toml (that's where it lives on my system anyway, find your config file). Uncomment sync_address and change it to http://<your-host>:12321
      1. I did not bother to enable TLS on my server because I'm not going to expose it outside of my home network; if you do, use https instead of http
    2. run atuin account register
      1. follow the prompts to create a user, and save your password to your password manager
    3. run atuin key and store the output to your password manager
  6. Now you have a user on the server. For each client computer:
    1. update sync_address in your config file
    2. run atuin login
      1. Make sure you give it the encryption key you got from atuin key
    3. run atuin sync
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