Takahe deployment

last updated: Oct 20, 2023
  1. buy a domain name
  2. point the nameservers to digital ocean
  3. create a DO droplet
  4. point pwm.social and www.pwm.social towards that droplet with A records on the DO control panel
  5. DNS doesn't resolve yet, log into box with ssh user@ip
  6. install docker
  7. install caddy
  8. Create takahe config in a file called takahe.conf, see below for the fields and format.
    1. Note importantly that you can't surround the strings with quotes because this is a docker env file, not a bash script! This bit me.
  9. Run takahe backend with:
docker run \ --env-file takahe.conf \ --volume /Users/llimllib/.config/gcloud/:/creds \ -p 8001:8001 \ jointakahe/takahe
  1. Run stator with:
docker run \ --env-file takahe.conf \ --volume /Users/llimllib/.config/gcloud/:/creds \ jointakahe/takahe python3 manage.py runstator
  1. Configure caddy to proxy back to port 8001:
www.yoursite.social { handle { # proxy to takahe reverse_proxy qfwfq:8001 } }
  1. Visit https://www.yoursite.social; if all went well you'll be looking at the takahe home screen
  2. Register a user with the username you set in TAKAHE_AUTO_ADMIN_EMAIL
    1. Or, run docker run --rm -it --env-file takahe.conf jointakahe/takahe python3 manage.py createsuperuser, which is what I did
  3. You should now have a running Takahe server!

config sample

I got the site running with a config like this one:

TAKAHE_DATABASE_SERVER=postgres://user:pass@host:port/database_name TAKAHE_SECRET_KEY=<long random string> TAKAHE_MEDIA_BACKEND=gs://<bucket-name> TAKAHE_MAIN_DOMAIN=yourdomain.social TAKAHE_EMAIL_SERVER=smtp://user:pass@host:port/ TAKAHE_EMAIL_FROM=admin@yoursite.social TAKAHE_AUTO_ADMIN_EMAIL=you@gmail.com TAKAHE_USE_PROXY_HEADERS=true TAKAHE_ERROR_EMAILS=["you@gmail.com"] TAKAHE_ENVIRONMENT=production # This variable points to the google application credential file. It includes # the project id, and as far as I can tell the documentation suggests that it # should be all we need, but I couldn't get things working unless I included # GCLOUD_PROJECT to explicitly state the project. Weird. # # Assumes the creds file is in a directory mounted at /creds # # https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/application-default-credentials GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/creds/application_default_credentials.json GCLOUD_PROJECT=llimllib-takahe
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