
last updated: Aug 12, 2024

To add to this blog, I type out a note in Obsidian; I use Obsidian with very few plugins.

When it's reasonably done, I back it up with the obsidian git plugin by clicking the "backup" button

That backs it up to a private github repository.

That repository has a github action that runs from my obsidian_notes repository.

That script converts the big pile of Obsidian-flavored markdown into a big pile of HTML.

The github action uploads that big pile of HTML to a Digital Ocean space using s3cmd. (I don't recommend Digital Ocean spaces, but that's what I use for now)

To serve, I have caddy installed on my web server, proxying requests to, which is a CNAME to the digital ocean space.

That's it! Feel free to ask me questions on mastodon.

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